Directors and Officers

What is Directors & Officers insurance?

Directors and Officers (D&O) insurance protects leadership from liability claims arising from their business decisions and actions. Rapidly evolving legal, economic, and regulatory events are transforming the business landscape, and your leadership is responsible for increasingly critical decisions that put them at heightened exposure to potential litigation. Venbrook’s insurance options include protection for executives, board members, and the broader company, providing coverage for legal defense fees, settlements, and other losses associated with a lawsuit.

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Directors & Officers

What we offer

Organizations of all shapes and sizes need protection from D&O exposures — public and private companies, non-profits, and educational and financial institutions are all at risk of legal action resulting from the management of the business.

If you have a corporate board of directors or advisory committee, D&O insurance is an important safeguard to mitigate your business risk.

D&O insurance provides coverage for defense costs, settlements, and monetary damages for claims including:

  • Breach of trust
  • Breach of fiduciary duty
  • Failure to comply with workplace regulations or laws
  • Misleading statements
  • Mismanagement of company funds
  • Misrepresentation of company assets

D&O Coverage Types:

  • Side A Coverage: Protects director and officer personal assets
  • Side B Coverage: Reimburses the company for costs incurred from D&O claims against its directors and officers
  • Side C Coverage: Reimburses the company for costs incurred from D&O claims against the company itself

Submittal Requirements:

  • Completed application
  • Latest company financial statements
  • Company organizational chart

"Our first step is to understand your business and leadership structure so we can develop a plan to reduce risks inherent to leading your enterprise. With services that include employer practices liability and D&O insurance, our expert team is dedicated to tailoring our coverage options to your unique business needs.” 

Michael McCluskey

Senior Vice President, Broker

Ryan Allen, Venbrook Operations | Photo credit: Marie Buck Photography © 2024

Empower your leaders to confidently grow the business

Board members, executives, and managers are charged with making difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions. And when push comes to shove, leaders will prioritize their own wellbeing over that of the business if proper protections aren’t in place. D&O insurance reduces the litigation risks associated with high-level responsibilities so your leaders can act in the business’ best interest without fear of personal financial loss.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need D&O insurance for my business?

D&O insurance is a critical safeguard for your executives, board members, and company. It protects against personal liability in the event of a lawsuit arising from a decision made or action taken while managing the company. In addition to minimizing risk of personal financial losses, having the right D&O insurance in place can help to attract top, qualified executives who will likely be reluctant to join a team without these protections in place. 

Should non-profit organizations have D&O insurance?

How much does D&O insurance cost?


Let's tackle your risk together

Connect with our commercial insurance team to get the protection your business leaders need.

Venbrook Insurance Services | CA License 0D80832

6320 Canoga Avenue, 12th Floor
Woodland Hills, CA 91367