On November 10, 2021, the Internal Revenue Service issued Revenue Procedure 2021-45 that sets forth various 2022 tax-related limits that have been adjusted for inflation. The table below identifies updates to the 2022 health and fringe benefit plan limits addressed in the notice: 

Benefit 2021 2022
>Maximum Annual Employee Contribution to a Health Flexible Spending Account (Health FSA) $2,750 $2,850
Health FSA Carryover Limit $550 $570
Adoption Assistance Programs $14,440 $14,890
Maximum Annual Employer Contribution to Qualified Small Employer HRA (QSEHRA) $5,300 (self-only coverage)
$10,700 (family coverage)
$5,450 (self-only coverage)
$11,050 (family coverage)
Maximum Monthly Benefit for Qualified Transit Passes, Van Pool Services, and Qualified Parking $270 $280